Thursday, March 15, 2007

Grinderman: Grinderman

Hey man, I wasn't fucking kidding when I said that there are some kick ass records coming out right now. For the past few weeks, I had been cuddling up to the softer side of Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds with some gems off of The Lyre Of Orpheus, but since I've heard the new Grinderman record, I can't go back. The whole thing is mind-numbingly primal, and puts all these youngsters to total shame. It's going to be totally embarrassing to be Iggy Pop on March 20th when The Weirdness is released and it sounds like little kids eating ice cream compared to Grinderman's door kicking, ass fucking, bitch slapping rock 'n roll machine. Just take a second and think about how long Nick Cave has been around... The Birthday Party kicked total fucking ass... The Bad Seeds still totally fucking slay... and now, the dude has started Grinderman. Don't be a total jackass for once, and hop on the boat while the ship is still in the dock. This record destroys all the other bullshit that people are hyping right now. Your parents would be embarrassed if they saw you clutching Neon Bible so close to your chest with shit like this out at the same time. Don't let them down, son, be a man.

Grinderman - Depth Charge Ethel

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