Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Undercover of the Week: David Yow joins Qui

I understand that on the average news day, sometimes stories get buried. Besides, there's some pretty crazy shit going on right now. Paula Abdul is claiming to have never been drunk. A 40-year-old female substitute teacher is going to jail for, oddly enough, forty years because she showed her students porn. With that in mind, I think it's only appropriate that the headline news on a majority of music blogs should read: David Yow has joined Qui. Yes, David Yow, the man who became famous for fronting Scratch Acid and The Jesus Lizard while flashing his dick around like it was made of diamonds. There wasn't anything Chippendales about Yow's performances, but you could certainly expect to get a mouth full of cock if you were brave enough to withstand the front row. I mean Christ, the guy played shows where people reacted violently enough to his stage antics that they pelted him in the fucking face with beer bottles. And then he would carry on with the show.

So while the rest of the blogging community feels it necessary to cover the Neon Bible tour at a relentless rate, or what is possibly even worse, wasting a post wondering how it was, I commend anyone who has the taste to cover news that has some actual substance.

The Jesus Lizard - Nub
Qui - New Orleans


Nicholas said...

Yow is weathered as fuck at this point. I've heard some pretty gnar stories about him in the last year or so. Let's hope he can bring more to the table than the scratch acid reunion did.

Anonymous said...

Man Yow kills it in Qui, I've had the pleasure of playing shows with Qui a couple of years ago with my band alarma. Matt and Paul are both amazing players, David Yow is over the top and EXTREMELY ENTERTAINING! I've seen them at least four times and each show just gets more and more interesting.

Anonymous said...

I met david working on the western in Arizona. I didn't have a clue to who he was or what band he had been in. I talked with him briefly, somehow it got out that I was a guitar player from dayton ohio. he asked me about all the dayton people like the deal sisters and guided by voice folks. he was reserved and polite, a true gentleman. he made a great gun slinger.